YAML Specification Changes

The current version of the YAML language is 1.3 and the current YAML specification revision is 1.3.0.

Changes in revision 1.3.0 (2021-10-15)

  • https://github.com/yaml/yaml-spec/pull/223
  • https://github.com/yaml/yaml-spec/pull/222
  • https://github.com/yaml/yaml-spec/pull/219

Changes in revision 1.2.2 (2021-10-01)

  • Hosted the YAML specification sources in a publicly accessible repository1.
  • Changed the source format from DocBook to Markdown in hopes of lowering the bar to entry for public contribution. Special processing lets us keep almost all the fancy things that were done by DocBook.
  • GNU make based system defaults to Docker containers for all processes where dependencies are not installed locally.
  • Hundreds of change commits2 submitted, reviewed and team approved as a GitHub pull request3.
  • Corrected known errata from the previous specification.
  • Addressed many reported issues4.
  • Clarified wording and examples.
  • Fixed all broken external links.
  • Images are now all generated from simple LaTeX files into SVG, requiring no proprietary drawing software.
  • Removed sentences that are no longer relevant in 2021.
  • Reworked many of the grammar productions to be clearer and not rely on instructional comments.
  • The names and numbers of all productions remain the same.
  • Added links to companion pages that can continually be updated with useful information that doesn’t fit into the spec or that would otherwise need to wait until the next revision.
  • Added footnote style links for links to external pages.
  • Included all older specs in the spec repo and converted the www.yaml.org build system to get spec pages from the yaml-spec repository.
  • Added new YAML logo favicon.
  • Added a test system to check formatting and spellng in Markdown files, general linting and also checking the build systems are working properly.

Changes in revision 1.2.1 (2009-10-01)

Patches and error corrections:

  • 1.1. Goals: Switched the order between goals 2 and 3 (pointed out by BlueGM).
  • 1.3. Relation to JSON: Added paragraph 4 to section 1.3 to clarify JSON compatibility in the presence of duplicate mapping keys (pointed out by Osamu Takeuchi).
  • 3.1. Processes: Changed “refernced” to “referenced” (pointed out by Brad Baxter).
  • 4.1. Production Parameters: Changed “sensitivity” to “context sensitivity” (pointed out by Brad Baxter).
  • 4.1. Production Parameters / Context c: Changed “as values inside one (flow-out)” to “as values outside one (flow-out)” (pointed out by Brad Baxter).
  • 4.1. Production Parameters / (Block) Chomping t: Changed “either case” to “all cases” (pointed out by Brad Baxter).
  • 5.3. Indicator Characters: Changed all cases of “#XX” to “#xXX” (pointed out by Brad Baxter).
  • 5.4. Line Break Characters: Changed “the above line breaks” to “the above non-ASCII line breaks” (pointed out by Osamu Takeuchi). Also, Changed “Note these” to “Note that these” (pointed out by Brad Baxter).
  • 5.6. Miscellaneous Characters: Changed “URIs” to “URI” (pointed out by Brad Baxter).
  • 5.7. Escaped Characters: Changed “#xA” to “#xC” (pointed out by Brad Baxter).
  • 6.3. Line Prefixes / Example 6.4. Line Prefixes: Added a missing line break on the right hand side (pointed out by Osamu Takeuchi and Jesse Beder).
  • 6.8.1. YAML Directive: Changed “Note version” to “Note that version” (pointed out by Brad Baxter).
  • 7.3.1. Double-Quoted Style / Example 7.6. Double Quoted Lines: Removed all “,” characters (pointed out by Brad Baxter).
  • 7.3.2. Single-Quoted Style / Example 7.9. Single Quoted Lines: Removed all “,” characters (pointed out by Brad Baxter).
  • 7.3.3. Plain Style / [126] ns-plain-first(c): Changed lookahead from “ns-char” to “ns-plain-safe(c)” (pointed out by Osamu Takeuchi).
  • 7.3.3. Plain Style / [127-129] ns-plain-safe(c): Changed to be “safe for use in lookahead” instead of “safe for use in content”, to support the lookahead fixes pointed out by Osamu Takeuchi.
  • 7.3.3. Plain Style / [130] ns-plain-char(c): Changed lookahead from “ns-char” to “ns-plain-safe(c)” (pointed out by Osamu Takeuchi).
  • 7.3.3. Plain Style / Example 7.10. Plain Characters: Added missing right hand side entries (pointed out by Brad Baxter).
  • 7.3.3. Plain Style / Example 7.12. Plain Lines: Removed all “,” characters (pointed out by Brad Baxter).
  • 7.4.2. Flow mappings: Changed “Note the” to “Note that the” (pointed out by Brad Baxter).
  • 7.4.2. Flow mappings / [147] c-ns-flow-map-separate-value(n,c): Added negative lookahead for “ns-plain-safe(c)” after the “c-mapping-value” (pointed out by Oren Ben-Kiki). This actually existed in the YamlReference implementation (as a negative lookahead for “ns-char”, which also needs to be fixed).
  • Block Indentation Indicator: Changed “Content Content” to “Content” (pointed out by Brad Baxter).
  • Block Indentation Indicator / Example 8.2. Block Indentation Indicator: Changed “Detected” to “detected” on the left hand side (pointed out by Brad Baxter).
  • Block Chomping Indicator / [165] b-chomped-last: Added EOF as a valid option (pointed out by Osamu Takeuchi).
  • 8.1.2. Literal Style: Changed “Note all” to “Note that all” (pointed out by Brad Baxter).
  • 8.1.3. Folded Style: Changed “separating between” to “separating” (pointed out by Brad Baxter).
  • 8.1.3. Folded Style / [178] - b-chomped-last: Changed “folded” to the correct “block-in” (Pointed out by Osamu Takeuchi).
  • 8.2.1. Block Sequences: Changed “Note it” to “Note that it” (pointed out by Brad Baxter).
  • 8.2.2. Block Mappings: Changed “Note YAML” to “Note that YAML” and “Note it” to “Note that it” (pointed out by Brad Baxter).
  • 9.1.3. Bare Documents / Example 9.3. Bare Documents: Changed “%PS” to “%!PS” on the right hand side (pointed out by Brad Baxter).
  • 9.1.5. Directives Documents / Example 9.5. Directives Documents: Removes the “!!map” on the right hand side (pointed out by Osamu Takeuchi).
  • 9.2. Streams / Concatenating Streams: Changed “separate between” to “separate”“an document” to “a document”, and “Note this” to “Note that this”, (pointed out by Brad Baxter).
    1. Recommended Schemas: Changed “a a” to “a” (pointed out by Brad Baxter).
  • Boolean: Changed “an native” to “a native” (pointed out by Brad Baxter).

Changes in version 1.2 (revision 1.2.0) (2009-07-21)

The most significant difference between YAML 1.1 and YAML 1.2 is the introduction of the core data schema as the recommended default, replacing the YAML 1.1 type library.

  • Only true and false strings are parsed as booleans (including True and TRUE); y, yes, on, and their negative counterparts are parsed as strings.
  • Underlines _ cannot be used within numerical values.
  • Octal values need a 0o prefix; e.g. 010 is now parsed with the value 10 rather than 8.
  • The binary and sexagesimal integer formats have been dropped.
  • The !!pairs, !!omap, !!set, !!timestamp and !!binary types have been dropped.
  • The merge << and value = special mapping keys have been removed.

The other major change has been to make sure that YAML 1.2 is a valid superset of JSON. Additionally there are some minor differences between the parsing rules:

  • The next-line \x85, line-separator \u2028 and paragraph-separator \u2029 characters are no longer considered line-break characters. Within scalar values, this means that next-line characters will not be included in the white-space normalization. Using any of these outside scalar values is likely to result in errors during parsing. For a relatively robust solution, try replacing \x85 and \u2028 with \n and \u2029 with \n\n.
  • Tag shorthands can no longer include any of the characters ,[]{}, but can include #. To work around this, either fix your tag names or use verbatim tags.
  • Anchors can no longer include any of the characters ,[]{}.
  • Inside double-quoted strings \/ is now a valid escape for the / character.
  • No space is required after the colon in flow style if the key is quoted, e.g. {"key":value}.
  • The maximum key length of 1024 characters has been removed for flow mapping keys.
  • Quoted content can include practically all Unicode characters.
  • Documents in streams are now independent of each other, and no longer inherit preceding document directives if they do not define their own.
  • Explicit document-end marker is now always required before a directive.

Changes in version 1.1 (2005-01-18)

The most significant difference between these versions is the complete refactoring of the tag syntax.

  • The %TAG directive has been added, along with the !foo! tag prefix shorthand notation.
  • The ^ character no longer enables tag prefixing.
  • The private vs. default scoping of ! and !! tag prefixes has been switched around; !!str is now a default tag while !bar is an application-specific tag.
  • Verbatim !<baz> tag notation has been added.
  • The formal tag:domain,date/path format for tag names has been dropped as a requirement.

Additionally, the formal description of the language describing the document structure has been completely refactored between these versions, but the described intent has not changed. Other changes include:

  • A \ escape has been added for the tab character, in addition to the pre-existing \t.
  • The \^ escape has been removed.
  • Directives now use a blank space ' ' rather than : as the separator between the name and its parameter/value.

First published as version 1.0 (2004-01-29)

First release!

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